LMPS Achieve GOLD!

CONGRATULATIONS to all at LMPS for achieving the GOLD SCHOOL GAMES award. This is a real credit to the hard work of staff, pupils and parents of our school.
A huge thank you and well done to EVERYONE who has been involved in supporting PE and Sports across our school for the past year. Being awarded this is not an easy achievement and as a school we are very proud. Not only do we ensure our most able sportspersons are give the chance to compete and celebrate their achievements, but EVERY child is given those opportunities.
The school has always strived to increase pupil participation in all physical activity, but last year has been the most impressive by far. The Sports Funding had a huge impact on the children as more pupils than ever are now joining lunchtime and after school Sports Clubs. The number of pupils joining and attending lunchtime and after school Sports Clubs has increased again this year, reaching a superb 84% of our children engaging in an extracurricular sporting activity every week.
After the success of our Sailing, Netball and Tag Rugby teams qualifying and competing in the county finals as well as two of our children being selected for the swimming county finals, our children have been inspired to take part in more sport and physical activity. The school Sailing Team won the Dorset School Games, making them the best Sailing Team within the Dorset County! HUGE congratulations to Mrs Cotterill for her role and organisation that led to our children taking part, inspiring and winning this event!
For Netball and Tag Rugby over 40 children from all abilities have been attending each club, week after week. Last year we competed in tournaments and festivals against other schools in Equestrian, Athletics, Tag Rugby, Netball, Football, Tri- Golf, Swimming, Sailing, the Manor Mile (cross country) and Cricket. This has varied our sports clubs that we offer which has meant the school is working hard to address the global issue of childhood obesity. Children of all ages and ability ranges including the lesser active children have been inspired to take part in more physical exercise for fun and to try and challenge themselves to get into a team to represent the school.
LMPS has been awarded the ‘GOLD MARK’ for PE and Sports - which is no easy task! This achievement would not have been possible without the extra hard work and dedication from everyone who runs after school clubs, attends fixtures and provides the children with exciting PE lessons on a weekly basis.
Well done team, one to be proud of.
Mrs Dominey
Deputy Headteacher