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Ofsted Report


The following extract has been taken from the report:

Strong senior leadership has created an aspirational culture for pupils. They have ensured the school has retained its focus on how well pupils learn, despite the challenges some pupils faced with social and emotional difficulties after the national lockdowns. Pupils’ attendance declined in this period. However, through leaders’ tenacious work, all groups of pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, attend school above national rates.

Leaders have created a strong team of middle leaders who know the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum. Staff say they have a voice in the school and that leaders consider suggestions they make. They appreciate the professional development available through the trust. This helps support staff with their subject knowledge.

Leaders swiftly form robust plans for improvement when pupils’ published outcomes do not meet their expectations.  They rigorously check these. For example, while leaders were disappointed with pupils’ progress in reading in 2022, they have quickly addressed these weaknesses. The reading curriculum is now a strength of the school. Leaders have retrained staff in how to teach reading. Staff ensure they teach using the same methods and vocabulary. This means pupils learn to read consistently well. Staff quickly identify those pupils who fall behind. Through precise support, these pupils catch up and keep up.

Leaders have created a highly ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Inclusivity lies at the heart of the school’s work. Staff identify pupils with SEND early. They adapt provision well to their specific needs. Leaders have tailored the curriculum so that it fits the school’s context. This starts in the early years. Leaders have ensured that plans clearly identify the knowledge pupils will learn and in what order.