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Play Leaders

Miss Reid- Project Playground Lead
Mrs Hancock - Play Leader L:ead


Meet Our Wonderful Play Leaders

We have appointed our play leaders for the new academic year.  They all wrote amazing applications highlighting their desire to work with younger children keeping the happy and safe.  They are currently undergoing training to ensure they work well in the playground. 

Watch this space for more updates!

Look out for our Play Leaders in the playground!  Our school Play Leaders wear jumpers that are blue (to stand out against our normal school jumpers).  They have a very important role within our school, supporting children out on the playground and helping them with their play.  The Play Leaders work closely with Mrs Hancock, Miss Reid and our Senior Leadership Team to make sure all of our children feel safe in the playgrounds and have many exciting games to play during break times.  Our children know that they can always go and talk to a Play Leader if they are upset or want to learn a new game! 

They are there to make sure we feel safe and happy at play times, and they do a fantastic job.  

ARTICLE 19: 'We have the right to be safe' ARTICLE 31 'We have the right to play and relax.'


Project Playground

Article 31- We have the right to relax and play!

These aims were created by what the children believe to be of the upmost importance on their playground.

Aim 1. Everyone to be safe.

Aim 2. Everyone to have the opportunity to access play equipment and resources.

Aim 3. The playground to have specific areas for different types of play and relaxation.

Aim 4. Children to look out for each other: if they are sad or have nothing to do.

Aim 5. More children to be active.

The opinions of children, lunchtime supervisors and teachers have been heard to find out how we can improve our playgrounds.  Working cooperatively with our Rights Respecting Ambassadors, Student Voice, Play Leaders and Bronze Award Ambassadors we want to achieve these aims in our summer term.

What is happening already?

As part of Project Playground we have started opening a classroom in KS2 once a week for children to have a calm area to go to.  The children are able to colour, play on iPads, read, listen to music etc.  Lunchtime supervisors have already noticed a difference in the behaviour of the children on the playground on this day. 

How can you help?

Outside my classroom (Year 2 Nightingale) is a postbox for any suggestions, questions or opinions. All feedback is welcome!