Admissions Appeal Timetable
To see the timetable for how to appeal a school place refusal, please click here.
Reception Cohort 2025-2026
If you are wanting your child to join our school in September 2025, please click on the following link which will take you to the Dorset 'Starting School for the First time' Admissions information page; click here.
Parent's Guide (Dorset's Admissions Procedure)
Please click here to find the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 School Admissions Parent's Guide. Alternately, you can download the parent guides below.
Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities
If your child has an education, health and care plan (EHCP) the school application and placement process will be dealt with through the special educational needs disability team. Parents must contact the Dorset County Council special educational needs disability team on 01305 224888.
The Local Offer website gives further information regarding the local provision for children and young people with a disability or special educational needs. More information can be found on